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RPP Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 8 Kurikulum 2013 Revisi 2019: Lengkap dan Mudah Diedit


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Are you looking for a reliable and updated source to download RPP Bahasa Inggris for grade 8 students? If yes, then you have come to the right place. In this article, I will explain what RPP Bahasa Inggris is, why you need to download it, how to download it, and where to find the best links and descriptions of downloading RPP Bahasa Inggris. I hope this article will help you to prepare your teaching materials and improve your students' English skills.

download rpp bahasa inggris kelas 8 kurikulum 2013 revisi 2019

What is RPP Bahasa Inggris?

RPP Bahasa Inggris is an acronym for Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris, which means English Lesson Plan. It is a document that describes the procedure and organization of teaching and learning English for a specific grade and topic. RPP Bahasa Inggris is based on the 2013 Curriculum (Kurikulum 2013) and the relevant textbooks, such as "Grow With English". RPP Bahasa Inggris can be customized according to the class, semester, and topic of learning, such as introducing, simple past tense, reading, and so on.

The definition and purpose of RPP Bahasa Inggris

According to PP 19 Year 2005 Article 20, "Planning of learning process includes syllabus and lesson plan that contain at least learning objectives, teaching materials, teaching methods, learning resources, and assessment of learning outcomes". According to Permendiknas Number 41 Year 2007 about Standard Process, RPP Bahasa Inggris is derived from the syllabus to guide the students' learning activities in order to achieve the basic competencies (Kompetensi Dasar). Every teacher in an educational unit is obliged to prepare RPP Bahasa Inggris completely and systematically so that the teaching and learning process can be interactive, inspirational, fun, challenging, motivating the students to participate actively, and providing enough space for initiative, creativity, and independence according to the students' talents, interests, and physical and psychological development.

The components and structure of RPP Bahasa Inggris

The components of RPP Bahasa Inggris are as follows:

  • Identity: school name, subject name, grade/semester, topic/subtopic, time allocation.

  • Core Competencies (Kompetensi Inti): the statements that describe the expected attitudes (KI 1 and KI 2), knowledge (KI 3), and skills (KI 4) of the students after completing a certain level or unit of education.

  • Basic Competencies (Kompetensi Dasar) and Indicators: the statements that describe the specific attitudes, knowledge, and skills that the students should demonstrate in relation to the core competencies.

  • Learning Objectives: the statements that describe the expected outcomes of the students' learning activities in terms of cognitive (thinking), affective (feeling), and psychomotor (doing) domains.

  • Learning Materials: the content or information that is relevant to the topic and the basic competencies.

  • Learning Methods: the strategies or techniques that are used by the teacher to facilitate the students' learning activities.

  • Learning Resources: the sources or references that are used by the teacher and the students to support the learning process.

  • Assessment of Learning Outcomes: the tools or instruments that are used by the teacher to measure and evaluate the students' achievement of the learning objectives.

The structure of RPP Bahasa Inggris is as follows:

  • Preliminary: the activities that are conducted by the teacher before starting the lesson, such as greeting, praying, checking attendance, reviewing previous lesson, motivating students, explaining learning objectives.

  • Main Activities: the activities that are conducted by the teacher and the students during the lesson, such as presenting new materials, conducting exercises or tasks, facilitating discussions or group work, giving feedback or correction.

  • Closing: the activities that are conducted by the teacher at the end of the lesson, such as summarizing main points, giving homework or assignment, evaluating learning outcomes, giving appreciation or reinforcement.

Why do you need to download RPP Bahasa Inggris?


Downloading RPP Bahasa Inggris can provide you with several benefits, such as:

  • Saving your time and energy: you don't have to create RPP Bahasa Inggris from scratch, you can just download and modify it according to your needs.

  • Improving your quality and professionalism: you can use RPP Bahasa Inggris that are made by experts or experienced teachers, who have followed the standards and guidelines of the curriculum and the subject.

  • Enhancing your creativity and innovation: you can get inspired by RPP Bahasa Inggris that are varied and diverse, and you can add your own ideas or features to make them more interesting and effective.

  • Supporting your students' learning outcomes: you can use RPP Bahasa Inggris that are aligned with the core competencies and the basic competencies, and that are designed to facilitate the students' learning activities in a systematic and comprehensive way.

The sources and criteria of downloading RPP Bahasa Inggris

There are many sources where you can download RPP Bahasa Inggris, such as:

  • Official websites of the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud), the National Education Standards Agency (BSNP), or the Center for Curriculum and Books (Puskurbuk).

  • Educational websites or blogs that provide RPP Bahasa Inggris for free or paid, such as,,, or

  • Social media groups or forums that share RPP Bahasa Inggris among teachers, such as Facebook, WhatsApp, Telegram, or Google Drive.

However, not all sources are reliable and trustworthy. You need to be careful and selective when downloading RPP Bahasa Inggris. You need to consider some criteria, such as:

  • The validity and accuracy of the information: you need to check whether the RPP Bahasa Inggris are based on the latest curriculum (2013) and revision (2019), whether they are consistent with the textbooks and the syllabus, whether they are free from errors or mistakes.

  • The relevance and suitability of the content: you need to check whether the RPP Bahasa Inggris are appropriate for the grade level (8), whether they cover the topic and subtopic that you want to teach, whether they match with your students' characteristics and needs.

  • The completeness and comprehensiveness of the components: you need to check whether the RPP Bahasa Inggris have all the components that are required by the standard process, such as identity, core competencies, basic competencies, indicators, learning objectives, learning materials, learning methods, learning resources, assessment of learning outcomes.

  • The attractiveness and effectiveness of the presentation: you need to check whether the RPP Bahasa Inggris are formatted in a clear and neat way, whether they use simple and understandable language, whether they use varied and engaging methods and activities, whether they use relevant and supportive resources and assessments.

How to download RPP Bahasa Inggris?

The steps and tips of downloading RPP Bahasa Inggris

To download RPP Bahasa Inggris, you can follow these steps:

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  • Choose a source that meets the criteria that I mentioned above. You can use one of the sources that I suggested or find your own source.

  • Search for RPP Bahasa Inggris that suits your topic and subtopic. You can use keywords such as "RPP Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8", "RPP Bahasa Inggris Introducing", "RPP Bahasa Inggris Simple Past Tense", etc.

  • Select a link that provides a preview or a description of the RPP Bahasa Inggris. You can read it carefully and see if it matches with your needs and expectations.

  • Click on the download button or link that is available on the website or blog. You may need to register or log in first if it is required by the source. You may also need to choose a format or a file type that you prefer, such as PDF, DOCX, PPTX, etc.

  • Save the file on your device or cloud storage. You can rename it or organize it in a folder for easy access later.

  • Edit or modify the file according to your own situation and preference. You can change some parts or add some elements to make it more suitable and effective for your teaching and learning process.

Some tips that you can use when downloading RPP Bahasa Inggris are:

  • Compare different sources and links before downloading. You can see which one has the best quality and quantity of RPP Bahasa Inggris.

  • Download more than one RPP Bahasa Inggris for the same topic or subtopic. You can use them as references or alternatives, and you can combine or integrate them to create your own version of RPP Bahasa Inggris.

  • Download RPP Bahasa Inggris that are relevant and updated. You can check the date or the year of the publication, and you can see if they are based on the latest curriculum and revision.

  • Download RPP Bahasa Inggris that are compatible with your device or software. You can check the format or the file type of the RPP Bahasa Inggris, and you can see if you can open and edit them easily.

The table of links and descriptions of downloading RPP Bahasa Inggris

To help you download RPP Bahasa Inggris, I have prepared a table that contains some links and descriptions of downloading RPP Bahasa Inggris. You can use this table as a guide or a reference, but you can also find your own links and descriptions if you want. Here is the table:



This link provides a complete set of RPP Bahasa Inggris for grade 8 students based on the 2013 curriculum revision 2019 for both semester 1 and 2. It covers all the topics and subtopics that are required by the syllabus, such as introducing, simple past tense, reading, writing, etc. It also provides a preview of each RPP Bahasa Inggris before downloading. The format of the file is PDF.

This link provides a new and updated version of RPP Bahasa Inggris for grade 8 students based on the 2013 curriculum revision 2019. It covers all the topics and subtopics that are required by the syllabus, such as introducing, simple past tense, reading, writing, etc. It also provides a description and a screenshot of each RPP Bahasa Inggris before downloading. The format of the file is DOCX.

This link provides a comprehensive and detailed set of RPP Bahasa Inggris for grade 8 students based on the 2013 curriculum revision 2019 for both odd and even semester. It covers all the topics and subtopics that are required by the syllabus, such as introducing, simple past tense, reading, writing, etc. It also provides a summary and a download button for each RPP Bahasa Inggris before downloading. The format of the file is PPTX.

This link provides a complete and free set of RPP Bahasa Inggris for grade 8 students based on the 2013 curriculum revision 2019. It covers all the topics and subtopics that are required by the syllabus, such as introducing, simple past tense, reading, writing, etc. It also provides a download link for each RPP Bahasa Inggris before downloading. The format of the file is ZIP.

This link provides a character-based and interesting set of RPP Bahasa Inggris for grade 8 students based on the 2013 curriculum revision 2019. It covers all the topics and subtopics that are required by the syllabus, such as introducing, simple past tense, reading, writing, etc. It also provides a character value and a learning scenario for each RPP Bahasa Inggris before downloading. The format of the file is PDF.


In conclusion, RPP Bahasa Inggris is an important document that you need to prepare and use as a teacher of English for grade 8 students. It can help you to plan and organize your teaching and learning process in a systematic and comprehensive way. It can also help you to achieve the core competencies and the basic competencies that are expected from your students. To download RPP Bahasa Inggris, you need to choose a reliable and updated source, search for a suitable topic and subtopic, select a link that provides a preview or a description, click on the download button or link, save the file on your device or cloud storage, and edit or modify the file according to your own situation and preference. You can also use the table that I have provided as a guide or a reference to download RPP Bahasa Inggris. I hope this article has been useful and informative for you. Thank you for reading.


Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about downloading RPP Bahasa Inggris:

  • Q: What is the difference between RPP Bahasa Inggris and Silabus Bahasa Inggris?A: RPP Bahasa Inggris is derived from Silabus Bahasa Inggris, which means English Syllabus. Silabus Bahasa Inggris is a document that describes the scope and sequence of teaching and learning English for a certain grade and semester. It contains the core competencies, the basic competencies, the indicators, the learning materials, and the assessment of learning outcomes for each topic or subtopic. RPP Bahasa Inggris is a document that describes the procedure and organization of teaching and learning English for a specific grade and topic. It contains the identity, the core competencies, the basic competencies, the indicators, the learning objectives, the learning materials, the learning methods, the learning resources, and the assessment of learning outcomes for each meeting or session.

  • Q: How many RPP Bahasa Inggris do I need to download for one semester?A: It depends on how many meetings or sessions you have for one semester. Usually, there are 18 weeks in one semester, and there are 2 meetings or sessions per week. Therefore, you may need to download 36 RPP Bahasa Inggris for one semester. However, you can also adjust the number of RPP Bahasa Inggris according to your own schedule and situation.

  • Q: How do I know if the RPP Bahasa Inggris that I download are valid and accurate?A: You can check the validity and accuracy of the RPP Bahasa Inggris that you download by comparing them with the official sources from the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud), the National Education Standards Agency (BSNP), or the Center for Curriculum and Books (Puskurbuk). You can also check them with your colleagues or supervisors who have more experience or knowledge about RPP Bahasa Inggris.

  • Q: How do I edit or modify the RPP Bahasa Inggris that I download?A: You can edit or modify the RPP Bahasa Inggris that you download by using a software or an application that is compatible with the format or the file type of the RPP Bahasa Inggris, such as Microsoft Word, Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft PowerPoint, etc. You can open the file and make changes or additions to the content, the layout, the design, or the features of the RPP Bahasa Inggris. You can also use online tools or websites that allow you to edit or modify the RPP Bahasa Inggris without downloading them, such as Google Docs, Google Slides, PDFescape, etc.

  • Q: How do I use the RPP Bahasa Inggris that I download in my teaching and learning process?A: You can use the RPP Bahasa Inggris that you download as a guide or a reference in your teaching and learning process. You can follow the steps and the activities that are described in the RPP Bahasa Inggris, such as the preliminary, the main activities, and the closing. You can also use the materials, the methods, the resources, and the assessments that are provided in the RPP Bahasa Inggris. However, you can also adapt or modify the RPP Bahasa Inggris according to your own situation and preference. You can add or omit some parts or elements to make them more suitable and effective for your teaching and learning process.



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