Phileas Fogg was seated squarely in his armchair, his feet close together likethose of a grenadier on parade, his hands resting on his knees, his bodystraight, his head erect; he was steadily watching a complicated clock whichindicated the hours, the minutes, the seconds, the days, the months, and theyears. At exactly half-past eleven Mr. Fogg would, according to his dailyhabit, quit Saville Row, and repair to the Reform.
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Formerly one was obliged to travel in India by the old cumbrous methods ofgoing on foot or on horseback, in palanquins or unwieldy coaches; now faststeamboats ply on the Indus and the Ganges, and a great railway, with branchlines joining the main line at many points on its route, traverses thepeninsula from Bombay to Calcutta in three days. This railway does not run in adirect line across India. The distance between Bombay and Calcutta, as the birdflies, is only from one thousand to eleven hundred miles; but the deflectionsof the road increase this distance by more than a third.
According to his journal, he was due at Calcutta on the 25th of October, andthat was the exact date of his actual arrival. He was therefore neitherbehind-hand nor ahead of time. The two days gained between London and Bombayhad been lost, as has been seen, in the journey across India. But it is not tobe supposed that Phileas Fogg regretted them.
The first few days of the voyage passed prosperously, amid favourable weatherand propitious winds, and they soon came in sight of the great Andaman, theprincipal of the islands in the Bay of Bengal, with its picturesque SaddlePeak, two thousand four hundred feet high, looming above the waters. Thesteamer passed along near the shores, but the savage Papuans, who are in thelowest scale of humanity, but are not, as has been asserted, cannibals, did notmake their appearance.
This expression rather disturbed Fix, without his knowing why. Had theFrenchman guessed his real purpose? He knew not what to think. But how couldPassepartout have discovered that he was a detective? Yet, in speaking as hedid, the man evidently meant more than he expressed.
The steamer which crossed the Pacific from Yokohama to San Francisco made adirect connection with that from Hong Kong, and it could not sail until thelatter reached Yokohama; and if Mr. Fogg was twenty-four hours late on reachingYokohama, this time would no doubt be easily regained in the voyage oftwenty-two days across the Pacific. He found himself, then, about twenty-fourhours behind-hand, thirty-five days after leaving London.
Fix now decided to make a bold move; he resolved to tell Passepartout all. Itseemed to be the only possible means of keeping Phileas Fogg several dayslonger at Hong Kong. He accordingly invited his companion into a tavern whichcaught his eye on the quay. On entering, they found themselves in a large roomhandsomely decorated, at the end of which was a large camp-bed furnished withcushions. Several persons lay upon this bed in a deep sleep. At the smalltables which were arranged about the room some thirty customers were drinkingEnglish beer, porter, gin, and brandy; smoking, the while, long red clay pipesstuffed with little balls of opium mingled with essence of rose. From time totime one of the smokers, overcome with the narcotic, would slip under thetable, whereupon the waiters, taking him by the head and feet, carried and laidhim upon the bed. The bed already supported twenty of these stupefied sots.
After his first depression, Passepartout became calmer, and began to study hissituation. It was certainly not an enviable one. He found himself on the way toJapan, and what should he do when he got there? His pocket was empty; he hadnot a solitary shilling, not so much as a penny. His passage had fortunatelybeen paid for in advance; and he had five or six days in which to decide uponhis future course. He fell to at meals with an appetite, and ate for Mr. Fogg,Aouda, and himself. He helped himself as generously as if Japan were a desert,where nothing to eat was to be looked for.
And they passed over! It was like a flash. No one saw the bridge. The trainleaped, so to speak, from one bank to the other, and the engineer could notstop it until it had gone five miles beyond the station. But scarcely had thetrain passed the river, when the bridge, completely ruined, fell with a crashinto the rapids of Medicine Bow.
Thirteen hundred and eighty-two miles had been passed over from San Francisco,in three days and three nights; four days and nights more would probably bringthem to New York. Phileas Fogg was not as yet behind-hand.
What a journey! The travellers, huddled close together, could not speak for thecold, intensified by the rapidity at which they were going. The sledge sped onas lightly as a boat over the waves. When the breeze came skimming the earththe sledge seemed to be lifted off the ground by its sails. Mudge, who was atthe rudder, kept in a straight line, and by a turn of his hand checked thelurches which the vehicle had a tendency to make. All the sails were up, andthe jib was so arranged as not to screen the brigantine. A top-mast washoisted, and another jib, held out to the wind, added its force to the othersails. Although the speed could not be exactly estimated, the sledge could notbe going at less than forty miles an hour.
First of all, the worthy fellow had gone up to his room, and had extinguishedthe gas burner, which had been burning for eighty days. He had found in theletter-box a bill from the gas company, and he thought it more than time to puta stop to this expense, which he had been doomed to bear.
It is time to relate what a change took place in English public opinion when ittranspired that the real bankrobber, a certain James Strand, had been arrested,on the 17th day of December, at Edinburgh. Three days before, Phileas Fogg hadbeen a criminal, who was being desperately followed up by the police; now hewas an honourable gentleman, mathematically pursuing his eccentric journeyround the world.
The anxiety in which, for three days, London society existed, cannot bedescribed. Telegrams were sent to America and Asia for news of Phileas Fogg.Messengers were dispatched to the house in Saville Row morning and evening. Nonews. The police were ignorant what had become of the detective, Fix, who hadso unfortunately followed up a false scent. Bets increased, nevertheless, innumber and value. Phileas Fogg, like a racehorse, was drawing near his lastturning-point. The bonds were quoted, no longer at a hundred below par, but attwenty, at ten, and at five; and paralytic old Lord Albemarle bet even in hisfavour.
Article 42. The Diet shall consist of two Houses, namely the House of Representatives and the House of Councillors.Article 43. Both Houses shall consist of elected members, representative of all the people.The number of the members of each House shall be fixed by law.Article 44. The qualifications of members of both Houses and their electors shall be fixed by law. However, there shall be no discrimination because of race, creed, sex, social status, family origin, education, property or income.Article 45. The term of office of members of the House of Representatives shall be four years. However, the term shall be terminated before the full term is up in case the House of Representatives is dissolved.Article 46. The term of office of members of the House of Councillors shall be six years, and election for half the members shall take place every three years.Article 47. Electoral districts, method of voting and other matters pertaining to the method of election of members of both Houses shall be fixed by law.Article 48. No person shall be permitted to be a member of both Houses simultaneously.Article 49. Members of both Houses shall receive appropriate annual payment from the national treasury in accordance with law.Article 50. Except in cases provided by law, members of both Houses shall be exempt from apprehension while the Diet is in session, and any members apprehended before the opening of the session shall be freed during the term of the session upon demand of the House.Article 51. Members of both Houses shall not be held liable outside the House for speeches, debates or votes cast inside the House.Article 52. An ordinary session of the Diet shall be convoked once per year.Article 53. The Cabinet may determine to convoke extraordinary sessions of the Diet. When a quarter or more of the total members of either House makes the demand, the Cabinet must determine on such convocation.Article 54. When the House of Representatives is dissolved, there must be a general election of members of the House of Representatives within forty (40) days from the date of dissolution, and the Diet must be convoked within thirty (30) days from the date of the election.When the House of Representatives is dissolved, the House of Councillors is closed at the same time. However, the Cabinet may in time of national emergency convoke the House of Councillors in emergency session.Measures taken at such session as mentioned in the proviso of the preceding paragraph shall be provisional and shall become null and void unless agreed to by the House of Representatives within a period of ten (10) days after the opening of the next session of the Diet.Article 55. Each House shall judge disputes related to qualifications of its members. However, in order to deny a seat to any member, it is necessary to pass a resolution by a majority of two-thirds or more of the members present.Article 56. Business cannot be transacted in either House unless one-third or more of total membership is present.All matters shall be decided, in each House, by a majority of those present, except as elsewhere provided in the Constitution, and in case of a tie, the presiding officer shall decide the issue.Article 57. Deliberation in each House shall be public. However, a secret meeting may be held where a majority of two-thirds or more of those members present passes a resolution therefor.Each House shall keep a record of proceedings. This record shall be published and given general circulation, excepting such parts of proceedings of secret session as may be deemed to require secrecy.Upon demand of one-fifth or more of the members present, votes of the members on any matter shall be recorded in the minutes.Article 58. Each House shall select its own president and other officials.Each House shall establish its rules pertaining to meetings, proceedings and internal discipline, and may punish members for disorderly conduct. However, in order to expel a member, a majority of two-thirds or more of those members present must pass a resolution thereon.Article 59. A bill becomes a law on passage by both Houses, except as otherwise provided by the Constitution.A bill which is passed by the House of Representatives, and upon which the House of Councillors makes a decision different from that of the House of Representatives, becomes a law when passed a second time by the House of Representatives by a majority of two-thirds or more of the members present.The provision of the preceding paragraph does not preclude the House of Representatives from calling for the meeting of a joint committee of both Houses, provided for by law.Failure by the House of Councillors to take final action within sixty (60) days after receipt of a bill passed by the House of Representatives, time in recess excepted, may be determined by the House of Representatives to constitute a rejection of the said bill by the House of Councillors.Article 60. The budget must first be submitted to the House of Representatives. Upon consideration of the budget, when the House of Councillors makes a decision different from that of the House of Representatives, and when no agreement can be reached even through a joint committee of both Houses, provided for by law, or in the case of failure by the House of Councillors to take final action within thirty (30) days, the period of recess excluded, after the receipt of the budget passed by the House of Representatives, the decision of the House of Representatives shall be the decision of the Diet.Article 61. The second paragraph of the preceding article applies also to the Diet approval required for the conclusion of treaties.Article 62. Each House may conduct investigations in relation to government, and may demand the presence and testimony of witnesses, and the production of records.Article 63. The Prime Minister and other Ministers of State may, at any time, appear in either House for the purpose of speaking on bills, regardless of whether they are members of the House or not. They must appear when their presence is required in order to give answers or explanations.Article 64. The Diet shall set up an impeachment court from among the members of both Houses for the purpose of trying those judges against whom removal proceedings have been instituted.Matters relating to impeachment shall be provided by law.CHAPTER V 2ff7e9595c